
Don’t Trash Our Desert is a coalition of private citizens and public agencies that are dedicated to keeping our desert clean of litter, illegal dumping and other debris.

Recently, the group shared these tips for free bulky item pickups and dump day programs in the Victor Valley.

  • ADELANTO: AVCO Disposal provides four residential curbside large or bulky item collections (maximum of 5 items per collection) during a 12-month period at no extra charge. Call AVCO Disposal at 760.245.8607 to schedule.
  • APPLE VALLEY: Call AVCO Disposal at 760.245.8607 to schedule free pickup.
  • HELENDALE CSD: Provides free bulky item collection. Call the CSD at 760.951.0006 to schedule.
  • HESPERIA: Advance Disposal will pick up large items curbside for free from single family residences and multi-family complexes. Call 760.244.9773 to schedule an appointment.
  • VICTORVILLE: Call Victorville Disposal at 760.245.8607 to schedule bulky pickup. Two free pickups per year of up to five items/pickup, for single-family houses. Victorville also offers a free, year-round bulky item drop-off for all city residents — including residents of apartments, mobile homes, and condos. Call the City at 760.955.8615 for info on the bulky item drop-off.
  • PHELAN-PINON HILLS CSD: Sponsors free dump days periodically.

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