
Over the past week, several of our San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputies were honored for going above and beyond the normal demands of the law enforcement profession. Thank you Deputies, and congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

Retired Victor Valley Station Deputy David Moyer and K9 Ellie honored for Meritorious Service

Congratulations to retired Victor Valley Station Deputy David Moyer and K9 Ellie on receiving the Sheriff’s Medal for Meritorious Service. “K9 Ellie and Moyer assisted the Specialized Investigations, Volunteer Forces, and outside agencies with numerous investigations. They also assisted an agency in locating the buried remains of a homicide victim in the remote desert and located the buried remains of a homicide victim buried four feet underground in Barstow. Locating these remains helped bring closure to the families of the victims, as well as providing critical evidence in the prosecution of the suspects.”

Victorville Deputy Nicholas Collas recognized for saving two lives in 2019 and 2020

Congratulations to Victorville Police Deputy Nicholas Collas, who was given the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Lifesaving Award for two rescues in 2019 and in 2020. 

On October 24, 2019, Deputy Collas responded to a medical emergency call, where he found a woman not breathing and pulseless. He began CPR, and two fire department personnel arrived and began checking vitals and administering medication. Collas continued CPR for approximately four minutes while the fire department got medical history.  The woman began breathing on her own and was transported to the hospital. 

On February 19, 2020, Deputy Collas responded to a medical aid call, where he found a man on the floor unresponsive, blue, and gasping for air. Recognizing that the man was choking, Collas performed the Heimlich Maneuver. The man coughed up the food and started breathing on his own.  

HOPE Team Deputy Mike Jones awarded medal for his proactive work with the homeless

Deputy Mike Jones of San Bernardino County Sheriff’s HOPE Team was recently awarded the Frank Bland Medal for Meritorious Service for exceptional service in a duty of great responsibility or of critical importance to law enforcement.

The Department stated the following:

“Deputy Jones created the Homeless Outreach Proactive Enforcement (H.O.P.E.) program in 2014. It is a proactive outreach program that connects members of the homeless population with resources to assist their transition out of homelessness.

Jones has been exceptional at building rapport and developing networking relationships with numerous collaborative faith-based, community and county resources. In 2016, Deputy Jones assisted in the creation of the Coordinated Entry Program for the County, he worked with service providers to create the program to give the homeless population the ability to receive resources and assistance.

With Jones’ assistance a digital platform was created to collect data on the county’s homeless population. The application was released to all law enforcement agency homeless teams in 2017. The application has been used effectively to count the homeless population and assess the resources they utilize in the county.

He meets regularly with service providers, government employees, and elected officials to discuss strategies and resources to assist the homeless population. Deputy Jones has helped more than 2,000 people out of homelessness.”