AV Veterans

I was honored to provide opening remarks — along with Apple Valley Mayor Curt Emick, Mayor Pro Tem Kari Leon, and Assemblyman Thurston “Smitty” Smith — during Monday’s first annual Memorial Day Ceremony in the Town of Apple Valley.

It was wonderful to connect with our local Veterans and pay our respects as a community to the men and women who lost their lives fighting for our country’s freedoms.

The town put 300 small flags into the park for community members to write a message and/or name of a loved one who passed away, and then tie it to the flag.

Our office was also pleased to attend the Tri-Community Memorial Day Ceremony at the Wrightwood Veterans Memorial. It was a touching tribute, and a showing of deep gratitude to all who have served.

Thank you to all of our veterans, and those serving in active duty, for the sacrifices you make each and every day to ensure our Country’s freedom: “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”
